Saturday, February 27, 2010

Agh! I am addicted

Ever wake up and the first thing you do is reach to make coffee or drive and get it? Stand in an insanely long line just so you can have that jeweled colored liquid? The worst part is you pay around four bucks for it too.

I never thought that I could be addicted to coffee but here I am guilty as sin. I wake up every morning and the first thing on my mind is coffee, I want coffee. Have you ever tried to break this habit, you know save yourself around 20 dollars a month on colored water?

I am learning that weaning myself from it is hard. I am so used to the extra caffeine intake, around three times a day, that when you go down to none your body is screaming "where is it, where is it!" It is like having withdrawals.

I mean, I don't smoke, don't drink and here I am addicted to one of the most common things out there, coffee. How crazy is that. It doesn't help matters where at every other stoplight is a coffee house trying to lure you with its enticing aroma and comfy couches. It could be six at night and I will make me a cup of coffee. My body is so used to it that I could go right to sleep after drinking it.

Enough is enough, overpriced coffee houses you have hopefully seen the last of me.

This is an older blog.