Saturday, February 27, 2010

Do you believe in fortune cookies?

I like many other Americans love Chinese food. No matter how many times I have had it in a week I am always up for Chinese.

About a week and a half ago I ordered Chinese food and the first thing I do is snatch up that fortune cookie and rip it open like a woman possessed. I never thought that the fortunes written along with the lotto numbers would ever come true.

I just think that it is clever to have a piece of paper stuffed inside a cookie that can possibly give you good luck or insight about your life. My fortune read, "Your talents will be recognized and rewarded".

I thought that it actually hit pretty close to home since I have been trying to sale my art out of a coffee shop recently. I went ahead and taped it on my computer screen for good luck.

Little did I know that my fortune was actually going to come true less then a week later. I wrote a blog about a coffee shop that is going to have an open house that I am a part of and this radio station, Castle Rock Radio, contacted me wanting me to come in and be a guest!

I was extremely excited to say the least. So my on air 30 minutes of fame or shame which ever you want to look at it happened yesterday! If you want to see segment 2 and 3 you can at

seg. 2

seg 3

I have never done something like this before and I was not only excited but also nervous.

The clips are actually videos, which I didn't know they were going to do. Sorry viewers I guess you're about to watch fright night come alive.

I think I missed the memo for the make up girl. I thought I did a pretty good job even though I only said yes or no answers. I am usually pretty outgoing and friendly... but I guess I am just one of those types that can be really outgoing in person... but not so much in situations like this.

My husband told me I looked extremely nervous. OK, actually that was a lie, he said I looked, "scared sh**less", so let's hope that for the people out there who don't know me that I looked normal and calm.

I had a lot of fun going on the air with Michael House and Rand Clark. They are two very crazy, wacky guys that can talk a mile a minute. Thanks guys for letting me on the show!

So the next time you grab some Chinese food and your thinking about tossing away that fortune... don't, hold on to it... it just may come true.

This is an older blog.

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